A Photographic Portrait of a Landscape - New Dimensions in Landscape Philosophy
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Jap Sam Books

A Photographic Portrait of a Landscape - New Dimensions in Landscape Philosophy  (ENG)

A Photographic Portrait of a Landscape is a micro study that explores cultural centres and land ownership.The book is inspired by albums and archives that show the Frisian village of Wjelsryp. (This is the villlage where I grew up.)

The expansion of the European Union has been accompanied by a growing interest in national identity, which uses landscape as a projection screen for envisaged expectations. The theories of Ton Lemaire (Filosofie van het landschap,1970) and the post-colonial approach to culture of Homi K. Bhabha (The Location of Culture, 1994) are our guides on a journey through a landscape in the north of the Netherlands.

Concept with Pietsie Feenstra &
See Jap Sam Books.