International Village Shop  (ENG)
a shop with many shops where goods from rural communities are made and traded.

Project website: International Village Shop

The International Village Shop has been set up as a joint initiative by Myvillages in the residency program of Grizedale Arts, Coniston UK (2007). The website went online in 2010 to collate the different "counters" of the shop, to show the groups and people involved and to give insight into making and distribution of local goods.

Some shops are temporary, others permanent. They take on the shape of market stalls, honesty boxes, trading tables, cupboards and fold-out boxes. Most shops can be found in villages, but versions of it also open in urban art spaces.

The goods in the shop are a mix of existing local products alongside “New Village Goods” which have been made especially for the International Village Shop and travel between places. These travelling products range from Horsemilk Soap (Friesland/NL) to Frogbutterspoons (Upper Frankonia, Ger), Caravan Pots (Ballykinlar, Northern Ireland) to Ittinger Ei (Kartause Ittingen, CH) and Ohner Linen (Ohne, Ger).